Tuesday, November 19 · 10:00AM

For us who live comfortably in the Chicago suburbs, it is hard to imagine living under the devastating effect of war.
Women, join us as we welcome Debby Nichols, who has poured her heart into serving displaced Ukrainians flooding into Czech Republic since the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. She and her husband Greg have served as WBC missionaries in Prague (and formerly in Ukraine) for over 30 years. Their diverse experience and fluency with the culture, have uniquely positioned them “for such a time as this.”
Catch glimpses of how God is using Debby’s gifts of hospitality, the arts, and compassion to bring hope to traumatized Ukrainian women and children, who left their husbands and fathers behind. Hear stories of inspiration and discover how the Nichols’ creative outreaches are bringing healing and the Gospel.
A suggested donation of $5 can be paid online or at the door. No child care will be provided.
Reach out to our missions staff below.
Jan Sokoloski
Global Outreach Associate