Adult Communities

Sunday Mornings



Growing Adults with Student-Age Children

Koinonia is taught by Dr. Andrew Schmutzer (Old Testament Professor at Moody) and is made up mostly of adults with college-age and adult children. Passionate about deep teaching and about putting into practice what they learn, Koinonia is a community welcoming adults of all ages, helping everyone grow deeper as family in Christ.

Dates: August 18 – June 29
Location: Room 50
Leaders: Greg and Beth Froese
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team

Community For Christ


Community for Christ is an active group of mature seniors who enjoy a varied teaching schedule and prayer-led relationships. Community for Christ is also passionate about serving one another, as well as others inside and outside of the church.

Dates: August 4 – June 29
Location: Chapel
Leader: Jim Hauser
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team


Adults mostly in their 60’s

Connections is a class taught by Dave Johnson and works its way through whole books of the Bible, alternating between the Old and New Testament. Made up mostly of people in their 60s, Connections is focused on in-depth study of God’s Word and welcomes all ages.

Dates: September 8 – June 29
Location: Fellowship Center (East Side)
Leader: Russ Stock
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team


Adults of all ages

Ignited is a multi-generational, multi-cultural group who desires to live out an Acts 2:42 community. Ignited is passionate about four things: seeking the Lord together, praying for one another, sharing our lives with one another, and breaking bread together. (They love socials!)

Dates: Septemeber 8
Location: Room 206
Leaders: Bob and Ita Fischer
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team



Adults with Young Families

Cornerstone is a group made up mostly of young families encouraging one another, praying for one another, and helping each other follow Jesus in their particular stage of life. Following Jesus and helping your children follow Jesus can be challenging. Why not do it together?

Dates:  August 18 – June 29
Location: Room 52
Leaders: Grant and Anne Garnett
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team


Adults of All Ages

Bridges is an intergenerational group welcoming adults of all ages who enjoy digging into Scripture and engaging in rich dialogue concerning its relevance for their lives. They also prioritize praying for one another on Sunday mornings and helping one another whenever needed.

Dates: Sundays
Location: Room 54
Leader: Jonathan Volle
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team


Adults mostly in their 60s & 70s

Sojourners is a class that studies the Bible together focused on how to live a Christ-centered life. In addition to time for connection and study, Sojourners prioritizes praying together. Made of people in their 60s and 70s, Sojourners welcomes adults in whatever life stage they are in.

Dates: August 25 – June 29
Location: Room 46
Leaders: John and Marcia Kennedy
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team



Homebuilders is a class made up of mostly empty nesters focused on following Jesus in their stage of life. With a varied teaching schedule, this group enjoys teaching focused on the Bible and the Christian life. They pray together. They eat together. And they follow Jesus together.

Dates: Sundays
Location: Chapel
Leader: Michael Miles
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team


Adults mostly in their 50’s & 60’s

Providence is a group of adults (mostly in their 50s–70s) who enjoy a variety of Bible topics, taught by a variety of teachers. They are a close-knit and welcoming community, for adults of all life stages, to develop their relationship with Jesus and live a life of service to Him.

Dates: August 25 – June 29
Location: Fellowship Center (West Side)
Leader: Dan Bostrom
More Information: Contact Adult Communities Team



Everyone is welcome to this mostly Filipino gathering

Agape is a group where mostly Filipinos gather to grow in their discipleship and in their relationships with one another. Teaching and discussion is done in English, however Tagalog is mostly used during snack time.

Dates: August 4 – May 25
Time: 8:45AM
Location: Room 52
More Information: Contact Sam and Anna Movido

Khmer Christian Fellowship

Predominantly Cambodian Gathering

KCF is comprised predominantly of Cambodians who host a weekly worship service (music, prayer, communion, preaching) in the Khmer language—with portions of the service in English as well. Gatherings are frequently followed by a fellowship meal. Please note: this group pauses one Sunday per month to join the 10:00 am contemporary worship service.

ក្រុមជំនុំខ្មែរមានកម្មវិធី ថ្វាយបង្គំព្រះ ជារៀងរាល់សប្តាហ៍ (ដែលមានបទចម្រៀង ការអធិដ្ឋាន ពិធីលៀងព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់

ការអធិប្បាយ) ជាភាសាខ្មែរ និង ភាសាអង់គ្លេសខ្លះដែរ។ បន្ទាប់ពីចប់ការថ្វាយបង្គំព្រះ ក៏មានភេសជ្ជៈជូន ដូចជាកាហ្វេនិងនំ។  (ចំណាំថា៖ ក្រុមជំនុំនេះ ផ្អាកមួយអាទិត្យ ក្នុងមួយខែ ដើម្បីចូលរួម គ្នាជាមួយកម្មវិធី ថ្វាយបង្គំធំ  នៅម៉ោង 10:00 ព្រឹក។)

Time: 10:00AM
Location: Room 56
Leader: Zacharian Puth
More Information: Contact Pastor Bill Oberlin

French African Community

French and Lingala Speakers

French (and Lingala) speakers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other African nations gather for a robust, weekly native-tongue worship service (including preaching). This inter-generational community includes many young families and is comprised of both new arrivals to the United States. as well as some already established in their lives and careers here.

Les locuteurs français (et lingala) de la République démocratique du Congo et d’autres pays africains se réunissent chaque dimanche pour un culte animé en langue maternelle (y compris la prédication). La communauté est intergénérationnelle et comprend de nombreuses jeunes familles. Ceux qui y assistent comprennent à la fois les nouveaux arrivants aux États-Unis ainsi que certains établis dans leur vie et leur carrière ici.

Time: 12:00PM
Location: Room 55
Leaders: Papitcho & Niclette Odia, and Kaniki Muteba
More Information: Contact Pastor Bill Oberlin

Arabic Group

Arabic Speakers

Since 2009, Wheaton Bible Church has hosted this community for Arabic speakers of diverse faith and ethnic backgrounds and nations (Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, and others), including Iranian (Farsi-speaking) members as well. The group gathers most Sundays for snacks, study of the Scriptures, sharing and discussion, communion, and prayer. English translation is included.

منذ عام 2009 ، استضافت كنيستنا افرادا من الناطقين باللغة العربية من مختلف الأديان والخلفيات
العرقيه والأمم )العراق وسوريا ومصر والسودان وغيرها( ، بما في ذلك. أعضاء إيرانيون )ناطقون بالفارسية(
أيضًا. تجتمع المجموعة معظم أيام الآحاد لتناول الوجبات الخفيفة ، ودراسة الكتاب المقدس ، والمشاركة
والنقاش ، والمناولة ، والصلاة. يتم تضمين الترجمة

Time: 12:00PM
Location: Room 57
Pastor Bill Oberlin

More Information: Contact Pastor Bill Oberlin
