“The men were sent off and went down to Antioch, where they gathered the church together and delivered the letter. The people read it and were glad for its encouraging message. Juda and Silas, who themselves were prophets, said much to encourage and strengthen the brothers. “
Acts 15:30-31
FEBRUARY 28, 2025
The church at Antioch received a letter that communicated freedom in Christ. They were glad because of the minimal requirements the apostles and elders in Jerusalem laid down for living out their newfound faith. As believers today, our marching orders do not consist of a long list of rules to obey. Instead, we are directed by the Spirit of God to engage in gospel-centered living as the Holy Spirit deepens our understanding of the word of God through personal Bible study and preaching and as the Spirit speaks to us in periods of silence and solitude or through interaction with brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Christian life does have its defensive and offensive aspects. Defense is necessary to resist evil. The letter that came to Antioch clearly commanded avoidance of sexual immorality. Defense against sin is vitally important, because it was due to our sin that Jesus was put to death. None of us defends against sin perfectly or consistently, hence the importance of regular repentance and reception of mercy and grace.
Offense is our service for the kingdom. This is where freedom in Christ is displayed, particularly in the exercise of our individual, unique gifting. What one believer is led to do by the Spirit is solely between that person and the Lord. Each of us has enough challenge to walk in step with the Spirit ourselves, such that we should be very slow to look critically at how a brother or sister is serving their Savior. On the contrary, brothers and sisters in Christ are a source of great encouragement, just as Judas and Silas were to the believers at Antioch. We are strengthened by one another as we share fellowship and corporate worship. Our presence at church is not an obligation, but the opportunity to give to and receive from one another.
Questions for reflection and discussion:
- How are you utilizing your freedom in Christ to find a place of service within the kingdom of God?
- Is the Spirit nudging you into a role that aligns with your interests and gifting?
- What is a point of attack by the enemy that you must defend against?
- How could you be an encouragement or a source of strength for someone else in the body of Christ?
Church Reading Plan:
- Today, February 28: Exodus 11:1-12:20; Luke 14
- Saturday, March 1: Exodus 12:21-51; Luke 15
- Sunday, March 2: Exodus 13; Luke 16