“They preached the gospel in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. ‘We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,’ they said.”
Acts 14:21-22
FEBRUARY 21, 2025
Growing up in the evangelical church, I was taught in childhood, and in my teen years, and in my college years, and in my adult years how to present the gospel. There were many tips and tools I was given and learned to use, but most of them were similar to the opening invitation in the Four Spiritual Laws: God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
This is undoubtedly true. This is part of the good news.
“But do you know what else is true? We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”
Acts 14:22
It doesn’t have the same seeker-sensitive marketing impact though, does it?
The fact is, both are true. While Jesus was alive, the disciples saw glory and power, transcendent authority over life and death—and Jesus kept warning them that following Him meant suffering, rejection, imprisonment, and death. We’ve seen how the early church gave away their possessions in order to care for every community need, all while facing persecution and suffering—but truly counted it all joy, living such abundance of rejoicing that many were added to their numbers daily!
And now, Paul and Barnabas, having survived all that they suffered, report it all to encourage the disciples. Can you believe that this report is encouraging and strengthening?! It was, because they finally understood: We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.
Friends, I think we took God’s wonderful plan to prosper us out of context. We don’t know how to make sense of even the normal troubles of human life, much less have a vision of boldly confronting the injustice and oppression in our neighborhoods, loving our neighbors, welcoming strangers, serving our enemies—even if the cost is everything and even our lives—because we have been filled with the joy of the Spirit and the love of God and we know that hardship is what opens the door to the kingdom of God.
But this is the good news. This is the word of the Lord.
What would it look like to believe?
Questions for reflection and discussion:
- What kingdom work is needed in your community, and how can your Christian community join that work?
- What would it look like if we took Jesus, and the Apostles, and Paul seriously?
- Have you found encouragement and strength in the testimony of those who have suffered but found the kingdom?
Church Reading Plan:
- Today, February 21: Exodus 4; Luke 7
- Saturday, February 22: Exodus 5; Luke 8
- Sunday, February 23: Exodus 6; Luke 9