“Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of prison. ‘Tell James and the other brothers and sisters about this,’ he said, and then he left for another place.”
Acts 12:17
FEBRUARY 6, 2025
One winter in college, I was struggling through a season of profound discouragement. I felt lost, unnoticed, and adrift. When I was accepted at my first-choice school, I believed I was where God wanted me to be. Unfortunately, I soon found myself spending each day feeling like an imposter who didn’t deserve to be there. It wasn’t until a kind professor took me aside and shared some much-needed encouragement that I felt confirmation that I was where I was supposed to be. To this day I am thankful God used this professor to encourage me.
In a much bigger way, we see in Acts 12 that the early Church needed vital encouragement to continue persevering. They were targets of persecution at the hands of both the religious leaders and the Roman government. Not only that, but one of their beloved leaders had just been executed; then another was arrested and faced a similar outcome.
If ever a situation looked dire, theirs did. And though these early believers dutifully kept on praying, they still found themselves stunned in disbelief when Peter showed up at the door. They needed a reminder that the God they followed can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. They needed a reminder that He was still and always had been in control, working all things for His good and glorious purpose.
Before leaving this gathering of believers, Peter instructed them to share the wonderful news of his divine escape with the other brothers and sisters. Can you imagine the joy and astonishment they must have felt at the news? Can you imagine how much encouragement this reminder of God’s power and faithfulness would mean to them in the face of intense persecution?
There are brothers and sisters around you who need encouragement today. Don’t hesitate to share how you have seen God demonstrate His love and power. It might just be the motivation they need to persevere in their current situation.
Questions for reflection and discussion:
- Have you ever been encouraged by somebody else’s testimony?
- How has God demonstrated His faithfulness and strength in your own life?
- How might your story encourage others?
Church Reading Plan: Genesis 39; Mark 9