Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory…
Ephesians 3:20-21a

OCTOBER 17, 2024

God can do far beyond what we could even think to request. He does so, the Apostle Paul intimates, by His power working through His people. Yesterday, we read of God’s remarkable working through Paul and countless unnamed disciples in Ephesus in ways which transformed the fourth largest city in the Roman empire. This movement has continued through scores of generations and across the vast real estate of the earth.

I like the chiding lyrics of Charlie Peacock in his upbeat song, “One Man Gets Around”:

They know of You in Cape Town, they know in Amsterdam
They know of You in Mexico, they know in Vietnam
They know of You in Hollywood, though that’s up for debate
They know of You in what was Russia, pick a Baltic State…

It’s amazing, so amazing; it’s amazing how one man gets around!

Why has Christ’s following grown and spread? Because of the reality of God moving in and through “all the Lord’s holy people” to experience the “wide and long and high and deep…love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:16-19). His Spirit gives strength to our inner beings, distributing spiritual gifts and the courage and capacity to be His ambassadors. The world has been—and continues to be—transformed by His extraordinary power at work through ordinary believers.

In 1979 when Iran fell to the Islamic revolution, only about 500 Muslim-background Christian believers were thought to exist in the entire nation. The Ayatollah Khomeini asserted that Iran would be a one religion republic. But Jesus declared, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). Today, in spite of continued government threats, surveillance, and imprisonment, the underground, evangelical church in Iran is growing at 20% per year (doubling every 4 years). Open Doors estimates the number of Muslim-background Christian believers in Iran is now 1.25 million.

How is it that Christ’s church is growing throughout Africa? Or (in spite of persecution) in Asian nations such as China, Nepal, Indonesia, and Iran? It is not by grand buildings, slick marketing, or enticing benefits, but by the draw of Christ in ordinary believers, whose lives display conviction and His character; who communicate the gospel in words and by their works, by demonstration as well as declaration.

In September, Pastor Kyle and other members, missionaries, and international partners of Wheaton Bible Church gathered with believers from over 200 nations at the 4th Lausanne Congress near Seoul, Korea. 50 years ago, at the 1st Lausanne Congress of the global church in 1974, who could have predicted that in 2024, the nation in with the most rapidly growing church would be Iran?! Through the Holy Spirit’s enabling, God is doing more than we would ever imagine according to his power that is at work within us. To Him be glory!

Question for Reflection and Discussion:

  • While we in the United States may think of the church as declining in impact, we in the West are the anomaly. Christ’s church throughout much of the rest of the world is growing, often where it is restricted or harassed. An Iranian believer at Lausanne asserted, “Persecution will never destroy Christ’s Church… but a compromised gospel will.” What do you think he meant by this?


Today’s devotion was written by Bill Oberlin.

Church Reading Plan: Daniel 2; Psalm 106