If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:26-27

AUGUST 9, 2024

As followers of Jesus, we are committed to our Lord. We are also committed to one another. In fact, we need one another, for the Christian life is not a solo experience. There is a place for solitude and silence in the presence of the Lord, but these times prepare us for engagement with others. We need to teach each other, encourage each other, support each other, and even admonish each other. We need to rub shoulders in the work of ministry together.

We need to share our burdens with one another and pray for each other. Suffering is an unavoidable part of the human experience. Everyone suffers. Storms crash into our existence. The body of Christ is meant to rally around the hurting and grieving. We need people with whom we can share our hearts and know that they will keep confidences and seek the Lord on our behalf.

We sacrifice for one another. When there is a need that we can meet, we do so, often without request or even knowledge on the part of the recipient. We weep with those who weep. We feel the pain expressed by others because we love deeply.

We also rejoice with those who rejoice. We affirm the blessings of God in the lives of brothers and sisters. This is our identity before the world: that we love one another.

Does the body of Christ always operate like this? The answer would have to be “No.” Are there people at WBC who do not have this type of experience in community? The answer would have to be “Yes.” So, what do we do? There is no program or ministry that can remedy our broken reality. It is incumbent upon each of us to allow the Spirit to lead us to people we can include, take an interest in, listen to, seek to understand, spend time with, encourage, and serve lovingly. Is this how I live? Is this how you order your days? Is this done easily? The answer would again have to be mostly “No.” May God open our eyes to the people around us to love them in the name of Christ.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • Are you suffering with another part of the body that is suffering?
  • Are you rejoicing with another part of the body that is rejoicing?
  • Are you willing to open your eyes to people at WBC who are in need of community and invite them in?


Church Reading Plan:

  • Today, August 9: Jeremiah 37; Psalm 10
  • Saturday, August 10: Jeremiah 38; Psalm 11-12
  • Sunday, August 11: Jeremiah 39; Psalm 13-14