You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.
Psalm 86:5

To address God as forgiving and good reveals a profound understanding of His loving character. We may use words like forgiving and good lightly because of our familiarity with the terms. But think for a moment of Almighty God in relation to created humans. Clearly, we are miniscule in comparison with Him, less than ants on the ground. We contribute nothing to God. In fact, our tendency is to detract from Him, living as though He was of no consequence.

But the fact that God is forgiving demonstrates God’s awareness of individual human beings and their behavior. God knows and cares about how we navigate our lives. In His goodness God taught us His ways, offering a pathway to right-living for His people. The Ten Commandments begin with the most important directive of all: the people of Israel were to acknowledge and worship this forgiving and good God above all else.

The Israelites needed to be clear about God’s character, this God who expressed His love in amazing ways: miraculous deliverance from Pharoah, slavery, and the Egyptian army at the Red Sea; who provided water to drink and manna to eat in the wilderness, victory over enemies, a faithful shepherd in Moses, and eventually a land flowing with milk and honey. A pillar of cloud led them during the day to guide and give relief from the heat. A pillar of fire at night lit their way and warmed them in the cold.

Despite all these provisions, His faithful forgiveness was the ultimate manifestation of God’s love. For God to shower the nation of Israel with goodness, knowing that they would be unfaithful to Him, has no explanation except in God’s unconditional love. God’s forgiving, redeeming love has always been active in this world.

We too have experienced the forgiveness and goodness of God. Like the people of Israel, we have fallen short of His calling upon our lives, missing the right path again and again. In love, God took on flesh and became one of us: touching us, healing us, speaking directly to us. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ points us powerfully towards God’s limitless love. And the Holy Spirit is our guarantee, our deposit on an eternity with the full expression of God’s abounding love.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How does the forgiveness of God encourage repentance?
  • Where have you seen the goodness of God manifested in your life?
  • How should confidence in the forgiveness and goodness of God encourage us as flawed, broken people to live by faith?


Church Reading Plan:

  • Today, July 12: Jeremiah 8; Matthew 22
  • Saturday, July 13: Jeremiah 9; Matthew 23
  • Sunday, July 14: Jeremiah 10; Matthew 24