But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33:18-22

While the love of God for creation covers the whole world, there is a unique relationship between God and His people, pictured in Psalm 33 as the eyes of the Lord focus upon those who fear Him. This was true for Israel from the beginning and continued throughout their history. This focused connection is manifested in the New Testament as Jesus comes face to face with those He loves, those He has come to heal and to save.

In Psalm 33, those who fear the Lord are further characterized as the ones whose hope is in the unfailing love of God. Biblical hope is defined as overwhelming confidence; they were putting their full weight and future in God’s unfailing love. I have to stop and ask myself, “Do I have this kind of assurance?” Unfailing indicates an unstoppable, relentless, uninterrupted love of God, operative despite my personal circumstances or perceptions.

The psalmist pictures God’s unfailing love as active in deliverance from death. In our Western society, eminent death and famine are typically not perceived threats. And yet, each one of us will go through suffering and, yes, even death in our lives. We know that God, in His unfailing love, will not falter or leave us even then. And in fact, as followers of Christ, we have already been delivered from death. Thus, our faith in Jesus places us squarely within the steady gaze of our God who looks upon us in unfailing love.

Frankly, we are unworthy of this amazing relationship—and yet, in love, God lavishes it upon us.

So what are some practical applications of this certainty? We can wait upon the Lord in confidence that He will accomplish His purposes in His time. There is no need to orchestrate (or manipulate) circumstances or relationships. He will enable us to accomplish what He desires, no more and no less. He will protect us from the adversary. We can joyfully celebrate our God because Jesus has come to reveal the living God full of grace and truth.

There is a sobering flip side to this situation. There are many people who are not among those who fear Him, as the Psalm says; who do not know His unfailing Love. These beloved people, created in God’s image, still need His deliverance. They cannot rejoice in God because they have not learned to trust in Him.

As recipients of God unfailing love, we have seen and know something beautiful, powerful, lifechanging. It is incumbent upon us to intentionally engage with our communities to communicate the love of God in deed and word. May our rejoicing in unfailing love be unmistakable!

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How strong is your confidence in the unfailing love of God?
  • How should the fact that the love of God is unfailing sustain us when we encounter difficulty and challenges, or even when we fail?
  • What evidences of God’s unfailing love have you experienced in your life, and how would you share those in conversation with someone else with an attitude of humility?


Church Reading Plan: Jeremiah 7; Matthew 21