Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:7-10

Having explored God’s presence in a variety of places, today I turn our focus to what His omnipresence does in our lives. Psalm 139:7-10 assures us that God is always with us and in all places, including the mundane and routine aspects of life. In those places, He does two things: He guides and He holds.

…even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

It’s one thing for God to be always present, but if His presence doesn’t have action, what impact does it have? Yes, it’s good to be in His presence, but life is full of ups and downs; what God does amid those times is vitally important.

You might have heard the name Erick Weihenmayer. Weihenmayer is an athlete, adventurer, and speaker who runs a non-profit called No Barriers. In addition to being extremely gifted in many areas, one thing stands out: Erick is blind. Yet his blindness didn’t stop him from pursuing goals and challenges. On May 25, 2001, he was the first blind man to summit Mount Everest. For some of us, trying to just get a walk in each day is difficult, and this guy went to the top of the world without seeing where to take the next step on an icy mountainside.

Erick has summited various peaks worldwide, each an incredible accomplishment. Yet, Weihenmayer needs something vitally important to take those steps: a guide. In fact, even climbers with sight need guides on Mount Everest. Climbers don’t just need the presence of someone familiar with Everest; they need someone who is an accomplished guide. The same is true in our relationship with God.

David’s words encompass every conceivable location and situation, reminding us that God’s presence is not confined to specific places or events. God is with us whether we go about daily tasks, working, studying, relaxing, or summiting peaks. Yet, His presence brings with it guidance for us in all seasons of life.

Recognizing God’s presence in our daily lives transforms the ordinary into the sacred. Every moment becomes an opportunity to experience His guidance. This awareness can change our perspective, helping us see our daily activities as acts of worship and service.

God doesn’t just offer omnipresence but an always surrounding presence that will guide us in the valleys of despair and the peaks of joy. Like the perfect Father He is, God’s hand will guide us. As we journey through life, like Weihenmayer, we are blind to what’s around the corner; our God desires to hold us tightly in His hand and take the journey with us. His guidance is perfect and always there.

The question is, are we open to it?

Consider the routines and tasks that fill your day. One practical way to cultivate an awareness of God’s presence in our daily lives is through mindfulness: paying attention to the present moment, acknowledging God’s presence, and inviting Him into our activities. Simple practices like starting the day with prayer, reading His word daily, taking moments to pause and reflect, and ending the day with gratitude can help us remain connected to God and His guidance. Mundane chores can become moments of gratitude; work becomes a form of worship, painful circumstances become places where you see God next to you and interactions with others become opportunities to reflect God’s love.

His presence brings guidance. May we be people who crave guidance from an ever-present God.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How might the aspects of your day look different if you consciously recognized God’s presence?
  • How can you know God’s presence in your daily routines and tasks?
  • How does recognizing God in your daily life impact your attitude and actions?
  • How open are you to His guidance in every area of your life?

Church Reading Plan: Isaiah 66; Matthew 14