“I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves, just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness. “
Romans 6:19

Paul appears to get very personal here, talking about offering our body to impurity or righteousness. Our flesh is inherently weak. Pleasure and comfort are typically the goals of our bodies, which are not necessarily allied with us in this battle between impurity and holiness. While we live on planet earth, we are housed within our bodies, so we must accept that our bodies need self-control.

When Paul speaks of offering our body to impurity or righteousness, he is talking about intentionality. We choose how we spend our money, time, or energy, what we view, listen to, read, or experience, what we support or denounce. Because we are weak in our natural selves, it behooves us to establish our values and boundaries prior to being faced with temptation. Boundaries must be defined explicitly, and transparent accountability with a brother or sister in Christ is a powerful reinforcement for staying within the guard rails.

But there is not only a defense against impurity and wickedness, there is also an offense which pursues righteousness. Intentionality is a key ingredient here as well. We have opportunities to serve others every day. Sometimes Christians are characterized as negative people who don’t do this or are against that. Yet Jesus’ teachings are full of “do-s”! How much better to be those who are doing something in response to a need and promoting actions that address injustice or protect the vulnerable!

These verses describe transformation of the life of a person who places their faith in Jesus Christ. As the years go by, we can become jaded and forget that we are new creations. To offer our bodies as slaves to righteousness is a wonderful thing that leads to holiness. The Holy Spirit is actively working in each believer to facilitate this process.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • Why is self-control such a battle for us?
  • What boundaries have you set for yourself in order to avoid impurity and wickedness?
  • How are you devoting your time, energy, and abilities to the work of the Lord?

Church Reading Plan: Proverbs 14; Philippians 1