So he reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there.
Acts 17:17

MARCH 18, 2025

Imagine that God has placed in your heart a conviction to pray for the salvation of an old friend. You make an effort to reach out to them. Months of fervent prayer and intentionality go by, and you’re finally granted the perfect opportunity to share the gospel.

But when you do, you’re met with strong opposition. Your friend responds with views you have never considered and questions you can’t answer. You feel dumb and defeated by the end of the conversation. You’re left feeling hopeless, convinced you’ll need a graduate degree before you dare to share the gospel again.

Paul’s audience in Athens was philosophically and theologically diverse. Four groups of people listened to Paul proclaim the gospel: Jews, God-fearers, Epicureans, and Stoics. This was certainly a clash of worldviews. What can we learn from Paul about how to defend the hope we have in a world of diverse philosophies?

1.     Be Spirit Dependent

No one can revive themselves from spiritual death—but God can. This is why we must be totally reliant on the Holy Spirit. Acknowledging that salvation is a work of God humbles us by bringing us to our knees in prayer, and it encourages to know that the Lord is using us in the conversations we have despite our shortcomings.

2.     Be Biblically Literate

God has revealed Himself in two books: creation and the Bible (general revelation and special revelation). We must learn how to find God in our daily lives, and in the Scriptures. Read, read, read the Bible! While getting formal Bible training is helpful, nothing will ever supplement the power of being in God’s word daily.

3.     Think in Worldview Categories

A few years ago, a popular yard sign could be seen in front of houses in nearly every neighborhood: In this house, we believe: black lives matter, women’s rights are human rights, no human is illegal, science is real, love is love, kindness is everything. Both Christian and secular neighbors displayed these signs demonstrating that Christians aren’t the only ones who are confessionally minded! Worldview is a starting place for conversation today, just as it was with Paul. There are many ways our values conflict but also overlap. We can begin there, and follow the conversation to Christ and the Bible.

4.     Know the Individual(s)

Worldview thinking helps us to conceptualize the presuppositions people have, but people are complicated. Get to know them and what they believe, and why those things are important to them.

5.     Be Courageous

Lastly, put on courage. Sharing the gospel and reasoning deeply with others can be scary for a variety of reasons, but the Lord calls us to fear Him and not fear each other.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • Have you ever had a discouraging experience sharing the gospel with a family member or friend? What made it a bad experience?
  • What does it mean to defend the hope we have in Jesus?
  • Do you find that you’re weak in a few of these areas? If so, what will you do this week to get stronger in it?


Church Reading Plan: Exodus 29; John 8