O Lord, the God who avenges, O God who avenges shine forth. Rise up, O Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve.
Psalm 94:1-2

Who are “the proud”? What have they done, and what do the words of this Psalm mean?

The psalmist declares that God is just when He executes judgment upon the proud. Here, the proud are those who refuse to acknowledge God. They are reliant upon their own strength, and perceive no need of God. They reject accountability for wrongdoing. In their opinion, they owe nothing to anyone. They may have made contributions to the welfare of others and they may be successful, but there is no true thought of justice or the righteousness of God in their minds. One of the attitudes that signifies this sort of pride is a disrespect for others.

Yet God knows the proud. He created them. He provides their abilities and talents, which they utilize to acquire comfort and security. We work, but it is God who provides the strength and skill to achieve. He continues to give vigor and capability, despite their rejection of His justice.

God is just in His judgment of the proud, the psalmist declares. And what is our response? Are we able to judge for ourselves if we are among the proud or the humble in God’s eyes?

May we continue to seek the Spirit’s prompting in our lives towards humility, mercy, and justice and move ever further from a life of self and pride.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How do you define the sort of pride being discussed here?
  • Who is a proud person in your life that you could love?
  • When has the Spirit prompted you away from such behaviors?


Church Reading Plan: Jeremiah 14; Matthew 28