I share some bittersweet news today that Hannah Landeros, one of our Student Life Directors, has announced her resignation.

Hannah will be greatly missed by our church family. In her time here she has faithfully served at Puente del Pueblo, in Human Resources, and for the last seven years with our High School Students. She has played an integral part in the discipleship of and care for students and helped with the merging of WBC and IDP student ministries. She has loved our students and their families well, helping to cultivate the culture of Familia.

Please pray for Hannah and her husband, Victor, as they prayerfully discern what the Lord has for them in this next season of life.

Hannah has these words to share:

Wheaton Bible Church has been my church home for the last 8 years and I’m so thankful for the time I’ve spent here. This community has been a source of sweet friendship, and I loved walking alongside our students and families in their discipleship through so many different seasons of ministry. 

This was not an easy or quick decision to make. Although I do not know what is next for me, I am trusting in God’s sovereignty to make that clear in His timing. One thing I’ve learned about in my time at WBC is God’s faithfulness to His people and how all He asks of us is to be faithful back to Him. I’m trusting that God’s faithfulness will continue to lead and guide me as I step out in faith and obedience into this new season. 

My prayer is that our church family will hold tight to the truth of Psalm 100:5, “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” 

Hannah will continue in Student Ministry through the summer to help with preparation for the Fall, the on-boarding of new Student Life staff, and administration. We will honor her in service on Sunday August 25.  Her last day will be September 5.

Please join me in extending our heartfelt thanks to Hannah for her ministry here at WBC/IDP as we look forward to how God will use her and Victor in the future.

-Brent Sickel