“For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine.
Psalm 50:10-11

Today, we delve deeper into the idea that God’s self-sufficiency is linked to His ownership of all creation. Psalm 50 vividly describes every creature and resource on earth belonging to God.

These verses declare God’s absolute ownership over all creation. This is not limited to what we see but extends to every creature and resource, known and unknown. God’s knowledge and possession of all things highlight His sovereignty and self-sufficiency.

When we talk about God’s ownership, we mean that everything belongs to Him and He has authority over all creation. This emphasizes His role as the ultimate provider and sustainer.

  • Creator’s Right: As the Creator, God has inherent rights over all He has made. He governs and provides for His creation out of His abundant resources.
  • Sustainer’s Role: God maintains the existence and function of His creation. Every creature relies on His provision, demonstrating His sufficiency and care.


Recognizing God’s ownership should also affect how we view our relationship with Him and His creation. Consider the following areas of your life:

  • Your Stewardship: As followers of Jesus, we are called to be stewards (managers) of God’s creation, managing resources responsibly and with gratitude. This perspective should impact everything in our possession and the world around us.
  • Your Contentment: Trusting in God’s ownership and provision leads to contentment, knowing He supplies all our needs. Contentment isn’t focused on “wants” but on the “needs” our God provides for.
  • Your Generosity: Understanding that all we have is God’s gift encourages us to be generous, reflecting His character in our lives. We view our time, finances, and gifts as resources we can be generous with in Jesus’ name.

May we crave a deeper awareness of God’s ownership and our role as stewards of His creation. Ask for a heart of gratitude and contentment, trusting in His provision.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How would you assess your stewardship in your current season?
  • Does anything need to change?
  • Has contentment been a difficult attitude in your life? Why or why not?
  • Where have you seen the generosity of God in your life?

Church Reading Plan: Isaiah 37; Revelation 7