The Mighty One, God the LORD, speaks and summons the earth

from the rising of the sun to its setting. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,

God shines forth. Our God comes; he does not keep silence

before him is a devouring fire, around him a mighty tempest.
Psalm 50:1-3

This week, our focus is on God’s attribute of self-sufficiency. This means God has no needs or dependencies. As we delve deeper into this, our main text will be Psalm 50. I urge you to read these 23 verses each day, for a consistent reading will help you internalize the concept of God’s self-sufficiency.

Like many of us, I often find myself entangled in falsehoods. It’s a common human trait, especially when we overestimate our abilities. We tend to believe we are powerful. We believe we can meet our own needs and the needs of those around us, that we can control things through our efforts—a notion that leads us astray. But we cannot. Finding ourselves faced with the truth of this serves as a reminder of God’s actual self-sufficiency.

Psalm 50 commences by reminding us of God’s nature. Observe how this Psalm unfolds. God is the Mighty One; a mere utterance from Him summons the earth. I struggle to even get my dog to obey a command, yet the God of Psalm 50 speaks, and the earth responds. This stark contrast underscores the concept of God’s self-sufficiency.

I have trouble showing up on time, yet according to the writer “God comes” and isn’t hindered. He comes and calls to the heavens and the earth and is declared the judge of His people.

Even more incredible is that my possessions don’t declare who I am. Yet verse six says that the heavens declare His righteousness.

As I read these verses, I’m reminded that I’m a man with tremendous needs. I don’t have much power or control, as the lie I buy into claims. What about you? We need a reset in our observation of the kind of God we worship. He is a mighty, self-sufficient God, and the heavens declare His righteousness. What will you declare, today?

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • What needs have you not yet given over to the Lord?
  • Do you view worship as an opportunity or a task in your life?
  • How can you praise the Lord today for being “mighty” and the “perfection of beauty” in your life?

Church Reading Plan: Isaiah 35; Revelation 5