“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15

What compels you? What do you want more than anything else? What controls your use of time or resources? If someone looked at my life or your life, what would they say drives us? Could we honestly answer, “Christ’s love compels us”?

Paul’s reason for being compelled by the love of Christ was his confidence in the fact that Jesus died for all. We certainly understand this as an integral component of the gospel. But then Paul finishes his statement with the phrase, “therefore all died.”

One event changed our hopeless situation forever. Christ died. He died for us. And in His death we died to sin and were raised to new life, so that we can be free from the slavery into which we were born. God’s love compelled Him to forfeit His life on a Roman cross to give us real life.

To believe this and receive this new life changes everything. His amazing love has freed you and me from lives of futility to lives of purpose and hope. We have been granted the incredible privilege of being released from the pursuit of our own selfish dreams to live for Jesus, who has loved us to such an extent.

Now, there is reason to build a relationship with someone you have not met before. There is a purpose for serving in the church nursery so parents can participate in worship. There is motivation to prepare to teach Sunday School or lead a Life Group. There is meaning in getting your hands dirty while working at CareFest. Christ’s love compels us. Because of all that He has done for us, we count it an amazing privilege to serve Him. God came to this earth not to be served but to serve—and sent us out to carry on this loving service, agents of His work in the world He loves. His incredible love has placed in our hearts a love and a desire to live for Him.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • What specifically do you appreciate about the love of Christ that motivates you to live for Him and not for yourself?
  • What joys have you discovered in your experience of living for Christ?
  • What is Christ’s love compelling you to do today?

Church Reading Plan: Song of Solomon 6; Hebrews 6