But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves of righteousness.
Romans 6:17-18

We have been set free! We are emancipated, not by our own efforts or abilities, but by God Himself who deserves our thanksgiving for His intervention on our behalf. We are under new ownership. Our slavery to sin was terminated by the gospel. Paul’s message is compelling: we were under the control of sin with no possibility of escaping its domination by our own efforts. But God changed all of this.

Sin enslaves us, but God took the initiative to free us. Yet not all who hear this teaching will receive it. Acknowledgement of sin implies acceptance of accountability, a principle we struggle mightily against.

But this teaching not only defines the problem, it presents the solution. Forgiveness of sin has been made available through faith in Jesus Christ. This is the story of God’s activity in His world on behalf of humankind, which places a decision squarely before the hearer. Are you going to wholeheartedly obey the teaching that has been entrusted to you or reject it?

Refusal to obey the teaching of the gospel means continued slavery to sin. To obey the gospel means freedom from sin’s slavery. To whom will we submit? In reality there are only two options: sin and righteousness. The former is a death warrant, and the latter is a gift of life and freedom in Christ. When Jesus becomes our master, His perfect righteousness is freely given.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How is obedience to the teaching of the gospel manifested in your life?
  • Is your obedience wholehearted?
  • How does the fact that you have been set free from sin strengthen you to flee it?

Church Reading Plan: Proverbs 13; Ephesians 6