Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
Romans 5:11

The last blessing piled on top of all the rest is: we can rejoice! We have been reconciled with the Creator through our Lord Jesus Christ! What more could we ask for? The God who is the source of everything has drawn us to Himself. The Maker of heaven and earth has called us by name into His eternal family. We are no longer slaves of sin, but we have been set free to live in fellowship with the One who created us.

The root word of rejoice is joy. Joy comes from knowing that Jesus is with us in every circumstance. Our destiny is assured in life and in death. This does not imply that the rest of our lives will be easy. On the contrary, we contend for the things of God knowing that His purposes will ultimately prevail. The world will not appreciate or recognize the value of God’s agenda, but we have the privilege of participation. There is pain when those we care about most deeply reject that which we hold most dearly. But we trust that God is always at work, even when we cannot see it. He loves our loved ones more that we do, more than we can know.

We rejoice with one another as believers. We are in community with others who have placed their faith in our Lord and are striving in the same direction as we are. We have a unity that transcends economic, social, ethnic, and racial differences. Our limitations are superseded by the capabilities of brothers and sisters who in turn are dependent upon our gifting in other circumstances. There is no one greater or lesser than anyone else in the kingdom of God and so we rejoice.

We rejoice in God! Our rejoicing is not in ourselves. Our rejoicing is not in created things, which are temporary. Our rejoicing is in a God of compassion who will one day bring restoration to all creation. His character will be on full display. The One, who has accepted each of us as His children, will bid us come to His table to celebrate with Him.

What a day of rejoicing that will be!

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • In what do you rejoice?
  • What are you looking forward to?
  • How are you rejoicing as one reconciled to God through our Lord Jesus Christ?

Church Reading Plan:

  • Today, March 15: Proverbs 2; Galatians 1
  • Saturday, March 16: Proverbs 3; Galatians 2
  • Sunday, March 17: Proverbs 4; Galatians 3