Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.”
Romans 5:1-2

As we have seen in the past few weeks, Paul is talking to the Jews in the church in Rome, reminding them that though God gave them the law, it has always been through faith in God’s grace that both Jew and Gentile have been included in God’s family.

Now, having wrapped up his example of Abraham, Paul gets to his proclamation of “therefore….” The blessings of redemption for the Jew and Gentile results in peace with God because our faith has been placed in Jesus, the only One who can buy us back from our sin. Redemption starts with faith in Jesus Christ, but faith is not of our doing; faith comes from God as He opens our hearts and minds to believe and receive what He has done through His Son. So really, it all starts with God.

One may counter, “Peace with God? I have never been at war with God!” The reality is that a battle is being waged between darkness and light, between the adversary and God Himself. There are no neutral parties. You may have been the kindest, most friendly, helpful person in the world before receiving Christ, yet Paul describes both you and I as previously enemies of God! Now there is door opened that leads to peace, and access of His Spirit into our very being. We have confidence in His presence with no fear of condemnation. He is on our side—or better stated, we are on His.

We are standing immersed to our necks in the grace of God. His undeserved favor is like a deep reservoir behind a barrier waiting to be breached by faith in Jesus Christ. And this faith of which I write is a faith that makes Jesus Lord. It is not a mere statement of belief, although it may begin as such, but a growing trust in Jesus that gives Him everything: ownership of our possessions, time, energy, each personal relationship in our lives, the thoughts and intentions of our hearts.

Questions for reflection and discussion:

  • How does the fact that you have been justified by faith make faith in Jesus Christ the anchor of your life?
  • How has peace with God given you rest?
  • Where have you seen the grace of God manifested in your experience?

Church Reading Plan: Job 40; 2 Corinthians 10